Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body (LGB) enables independent oversight of the activities and direction of the school. It provides guidance, support and acts as a critical friend offering challenge when appropriate. It is responsible for and agreeing policies and procedures within a United Learning frames.
The LGB is comprised of parents, teaching and non-teaching staff as well as volunteers mostly from within the local community and those with a strong interest in the local area. Its aims are to have a broad range of skills, experience, expertise and interests and all of its members share the common purpose of helping and enabling the school to achieve its ambitions and aspiration of ensuing the “Best in Everyone”. The current Chair is Mr Stuart Ford fords@seahavenacademy.org.uk
Seahaven Academy, Haven Way, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9TD
The Chair is appointed for a 1 year term by United Learning and all of its members are appointed for a minimum term of 3 years by the LGB itself on a basis of skill set and overall contribution that can be made to help the school excel and become an ‘excellent’ school experience for students in the broadest sense of its meaning.
The LGB meets 3 times per year. Individual members work closely with the senior leadership team and middle leaders in specific areas of activity in order to deepen understanding and offer support.
Governors are encouraged to visit school at least 3 times per year to go on a learning walk around the school and meet with senior staff, to view and monitor an area they have a link role to.
Appointment of the Principal and senior leaders involve the LGB.
For further information on enquiries about the LGB please contact Sarah Greed on greeds@seahavenacademy.org.uk