At Seahaven Academy we take pride in our commitment to an inclusive education and prioritise the inclusion of all students, ensuring they participate in mainstream lessons alongside their peers. This approach allows them to benefit from the expertise of our teachers and engage with their peers.

We aim to provide an inclusive, stimulating, and safe environment which will enhance the learning of all students and help them achieve, to their full potential, in all areas including their development of knowledge, skills and understanding to equip them for the next phase of their education, employment or training. 

By doing this we hope to raise the aspirations and expectations of all students, especially those with SEND. We adhere to the DfE SEND code of practice and aim to provide excellent teaching for all and effective support for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


Mrs C Macey
Mrs J Cook
Assistant SENCo

For specific correspondence regarding your child, please contact one of our Learning Support Leads in the first instance.

Learning Support Leads

Year 7 and Transition Key Stage 3 (Year 8 and 9) Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11)
Mrs K Carver
Ms S Robinson
Mrs W Barton Mrs V Kabir


If you are a parent and you think that your child may have SEND, please make contact with our SEND department 



Telephone: 01273 517601 Option 4

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