
It is our view that there are many benefits to the whole school/academy community in individual students being required to comply with a uniform policy, including the fostering of a sense of belonging and self-esteem.

We have school uniform in order to promote a sense of pride in, and belonging to, the school community. We believe that when the school uniform is smart and consistent it gives the opportunity for students to be judged solely for their talents, efforts and achievements. Our uniform is simple, strict and cost effective and is checked every morning to ensure that any problems are dealt with immediately and do not distract from learning.

Uniform Code

School Uniform is available from Intersport in Seaford (Clinton Place, Seaford) Tel 01323 898516. PE Kit can also be ordered from the same number. Click here to see the Intersport price list.

  • Uniform black blazer 
  • Uniform orange, black and grey tie 
  • Uniform jumper (optional) with orange piping or new grey jumper with logo. (From Monday 4th December 2023, only the grey school jumper with orange piping (or badge) will be permitted as part of the main school uniform. The black PE jumper may be worn during PE lessons. Students may wear the PE jumper for travelling to and from school however this will need to be removed before entering school.)
  • Uniform black trousers or uniform black "Charleston" style skirt (knee length)

Please note - Uniform trousers may be bought elsewhere in an identical style and colour. However we reserve the right to refuse to accept any that are not. The school’s decision is final.

Generally Available Items
  • White formal shirt worn tucked in with top button done up

  • Black formal 'polishable' shoes (plain, no trainers, boots, branded shoes or cloth shoes) with black socks or black tights (no white socks)

  • School coat (no hoodies – our school uniform is intended to be formal. Hoodies are an informal item of clothing)

Students must wear their uniform at all times in a smart, presentable manner, including to and from school. Uniform items must be worn as intended and outdoor coats should be removed on entering the building. Blazers should be worn around the school site at all times, unless permission is given in lessons to remove them.  All students will be provided with a locker.

Hairstyles – extreme hairstyles, bleaches or dyes that are in clear contrast to natural hair colours are not acceptable or considered part of school uniform. Shaved patterns or insignia are also not part of uniform. Students presenting with such haircuts will be sent home and advised to dye hair back to a natural hair colour or have hair cut to a consistent length to remove the patterns or insignia. 

  • Make up – If worn, make up must be discreet in natural colours

  • Jewellery – One stud or sleeper per ear and a watch. Clear retainers should be worn for facial piercings. Tattoos are not permitted. Please do not get piercings where clear retainers cannot be worn immediately for school. 

  • Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted. False nails present a health and safey issueespecially in practical subjects. Please do not get false nails that cannot be removed from school.

Any student arriving with incorrect uniform and/or piercings/nails that are not permitted and cannot be resolved immediately upon arrival at school will either be sent home or spend the day in the Refocus room.

Additionally, any non-school uniform items worn in the school building will be confiscated and handed to a Head of Community or member of SLT (for avoidance of doubt this includes (but not an exhaustive list): Jewellery, coats, black jumpers, phones). Confiscated items are to be collected at 3.00pm from the uniform cupboard.

PE Kit
  • Black T-shirt with Seahaven logo (Compulsory).
  • Plain black football shorts (Compulsory).
  • Plain black PE socks (Compulsory).
  • Black jumper with Seahaven logo (Compulsory).
  • Shin pads (Compulsory).
  • Trainers (Compulsory).
  • Football boots. (Compulsory).
  • Black tracksuit bottoms/training pants (Optional).
  • Leggings with Seahaven logo (Optional).
  • Black Base Layer (Optional).
  • Black Rain Jacket (Optional).


United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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