At Seahaven Academy, we design the school curriculum to provide a broad and balanced experience for all students, whatever their starting points, to enable them to achieve the success they deserve and open doors to future opportunities in education and the workplace.
We promote the highest expectations for all and pride ourselves on ensuring that Further and Higher Education can be accessible to all. We want students to feel confident and prepared when they make decisions about their next steps, having taken part in a range of careers education, information and guidance sessions and activities throughout their time at Seahaven Academy.
Options Evening will allow you to hear from members of teaching staff as they offer explanations and guidance on their subjects both on the evening and via video presentations that can be found on the school website. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions online through the “feedback and questions” form on the options webpage. These questions will be responded to in a frequently asked questions bulletin or by individual contact as appropriate.
Year 9 students have access in school to careers advice via their tutors, Pastoral Leaders, and Key Stage Directors and Amanda Bosley, the school's Careers & Community Manager.
There are two main pathways available at Seahaven Academy, designed to meet the academic needs of all our students and to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is provided for everyone:
At Key Stage 4 it is compulsory for all students to study English, Mathematics, Science, PE, RS (Beliefs, Ethics and Philosophy), PSHE and Geography or History.
Every student will also be expected to study a Modern Foreign Language (French) if appropriate.
You can, if you wish, consider a reserve option that we can discuss should a foreign language not be appropriate for you.
Click the links below to view videos and information about the core, expected and optional subjects presented by the head of each department.
Choices need to be submitted by Monday 19th February using the options form
Options booklet 2024
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