
Why study this subject?

  • Candidates that choose the subject of drama as an option need to have a real passion and enthusiasm for performing in front of an audience and working and collaborating in small groups.

  • Drama is an art form, a practical activity and an intellectual discipline. Through engagement in drama students apply their imaginations and draw upon their personal experiences.

Aims of the course
  • Drama enables students to apply knowledge and understanding when making performing and responding to drama.
  • The course involves a combination of practical and written work. Various exercises and projects will develop your knowledge and skill in Improvisation, Scripted Performance, Theatre in Education and Devised Drama.
  • The course is assessed through 40% written assessment, 20% Performance of a text "off script" and 40% Devised Drama
What can this course lead to?
  • This GCSE is an excellent way into Theatre Arts, Expressive Arts, Performing Arts and Musical Theatre courses - of which the South East area has an abundance of choices.
  • Candidates can look forward to a career in theatre, television, media and teaching. More generally the ability to act and perform shows confidence, excellent communication skills and an ability to work under pressure.
Expectations of subject
  • Drama is a performing art and there is therefore, an expectation that students are committed to developing vocal and physical skills with a view to performing.
  • The students will be expected to perform and keep a 2,500 word written Devising Log for Compotent 1: Devised Drama
  • They will be required to learn lines and be completely "of script" for Compotent 2: Performing from a Text 
  • They will be encouraged to watch and attend Live Productions and study a set text for Compotent 3: The written paper
  • Good attendance is compulsory for the study of Drama as the course relies heavily on group work and rehearsals outside of normal lesson times.
Support and provisions
  • Revision guides and past papers.
  • Live production visits.
  • drama@zigzagededucation.co.uk
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