Photography - Lens and Light-based Media

Why study this subject?

If you are thinking of a creative pathway for your future career then this course may benefit you to gain some valuable skills. Photography is a creative journey through the process of lens- and light- based media.  This could include work created using film, video, digital imaging or light sensitive materials.

Aims of the course

The aim of this course is for students to:

  • Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating a critical understanding of sources (AO1).
  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes (AO2).
  • Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses (AO3).
  • Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language (AO4).
What can this course lead to?
  • There are Sixth Form Art and photography courses at all the Lewes and Brighton Sixth Form colleges.  There are many BTEC, Diploma and Degree courses covering all aspects of Art and Design: Photography.  GCSE photography is just a first step, but it could lead to a career as a:

Photographer – Artist – Illustrator – Film Director – Animator – Graphic Designer – Fashion Designer – Set Designer – Teacher – Cartoonist and many others

Expectations of subject

Students will be expected to have their own camera or a good quality smart phone for the course.  Students must be motivated to work at home, in their spare time to find inspiration and capture their own photographs. Students will be taught how to use a DSLR camera and will be expected to spend a certain amount of time using a laptop developing their Photoshop editing techniques. Students work is not limited to one area and students could develop work in at least one of the following areas of study:

  • Documentary photography.
  • Photo-journalism.
  • Studio photography.
  • Location photography.
  • Installation.
  • Moving image: film, video and animation.
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