Fitzwilliam College 2023 Essay Competition
Fitz are delighted to have announced the 2023 Essay competitions. This year we will be re-running essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, History, Land Economy, and Medieval World. We will additionally be running an Architecture design competition, and a new essay competition in Economics for state-schooled UK students only. Further particulars can be found in the link at the bottom, and the questions for each competition using the links below.
Ancient World and Classics
Economics (for state-school UK students only - please see link for details on eligibility)
Land Economy
Medieval World
Architecture – students wishing to enter the Architecture Design Competition may find this plan of Fitzwilliam College and information on the history of Fitzwilliam’s buildings useful
For more information, please click here.
Deadline: 6pm, Wednesday 1st March 2023
Year 11 and 12 Think Cambridge Webinars
Think Cambridge is a three-week long series of webinars to inspire Year 11 and 12 (England and Wales), S4 and S5 (Scotland) or Year 12 and Year 13 (Northern Ireland) students to apply to Cambridge.
During week one, students will hear from student ambassadors about their personal experiences at Cambridge. Teachers, parents and supporters are also welcome in week one for webinars.
In week two, lecturers and Admissions Tutors, will introduce students to the broad range of subjects available at Cambridge and the exciting projects students are working on.
The series will finish with advice and resources to find out more, about studying at and applying to the University of Cambridge.
Students can apply using the booking form here.
Deadline: 20th January 2023