1. Students should be given the opportunity to read, write, and engage critically with, the very best stories, both in written and spoken form.
2. Students should have an understanding of their literary heritage and be able to explore the development of, and influences behind, a range of texts.
3. Students should be given the opportunity to explore the social context of texts, as well as the way texts have been used to directly influence change in society.
4. Students should have the opportunity to explore texts written by a wide range of writers – male/ female/ LGBT/disabled/ writers from across the world and who represent a range of races, cultures and religions.
5. Students should leave KS4 with the capacity to express themselves clearly and with conviction both orally and in writing on a range of topics. They should be given the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and develop their own ‘voice’.
6. Students should leave school with the ability to read and write with confidence in order to enable them to access the future study pathway/s of their choice