The PSHE curriculum has been carefull designed to take into account a number of factors.

  1. Young people today are exposed to more presures than in any other generation. Recent research conducted by Girl Guiding UK states that 'girls said that they're experiencing unprecendented levels of stress and pressure: to do well at school, to look and behave in certain ways, and to measure up to expectations from friends, family, school and the media.  The combination of these can be unmanageable'. For many girls, it is having a damaging effect on their well-being and this is not limited to girls.
  2. The Independent (Geraldine Bedell 02/16) reported that mental well-being among young males is increasing with a year on year increase of reported anxiety, depression, self-harm and anorexia among boys 11-15. A recent article from the Office of National Statistics supports this reporting that the propostion of children aged 10 to 15 years reporting high or very high happiness with friends fell significantly from 85.8% in 2015 to 80.5% in 2017, with boys being the main driver of this change. For these reasons there is an emphasis on mental health and well-being, the curriculum also promotes physical health, effective money management and healthy relationships as these can have a dramactic impact on well-being.
  3. Our school is a predominantly white working class cohort and as Newhaven grows and becomes more ethnically diverse it is important that our young people grow into thoughtful, tolerant and kind adults who looks for ways to ensure community cohesion and have the skills to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively. The curriculum, for this reason covers a range of equalities issues including protected characteristics, rights and responsibilities and community cohesion.
  4. At Seahaven Academy our approach is underpinned by a sense of moral purpoe and commitment to doing what is right. We aim to achieve excellence and act with integrity, this ethos is encapsulated in the United Learning motto as The Best in Everyone. This ethos underpins our core values: 
  • Ambition - to achieve the best for ourselves and others
  • Confidence - to have the courage of our convictions and to take risks in the right cause
  • Creativity - to imagine possibilities and make them real
  • Respect - of ourselves and others in all that we do
  • Enthusiasm - to seek opportunity, find waht is good and pursue talents and interests
  • Determination - to overcome obstacles and reach success

The PSHE curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop these attributes as well as a wide range of other characteristics, and to explaore careers and the world of work so that our young people leave us in a strong position to lead health, happy and fulfilling lives and are able to play their part and contributes in the wider world.

5. The curriculumis deisgned to ensure that all matters to do with ssafeguarding young people are addressed in age appropriate ways, including SRE (Sex and Relationships education) and that young people learn to recognise and manage risk with confidence. The curriculum is designed to revisit themes as students grow  older to recap and looks at issues in more depth as it becomes more age appropriate to do so. 

Staff Structure and Contacts
Staff Name Role Email
Amy Sharp Head of Department
Eric Cheung Teacher

Key Documents

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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